How Versare Puts its Acoustical Panels to the Test
Aug 18th 2017
When it comes to portable products, Versare sets the highest standards for quality, including stringently testing the performance of our acoustical panels. Because the key to any successful test is the testing method, we use the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) to ensure accurate data. We chose ASTM’s technical standards because they have been adopted by many federal, state, and municipal government entities.
The ASTM test measures the decay rate of sound, which is inversely related to sound absorption. We measure five ensemble averages containing thirty-two decays each with both the test specimen inside of and removed from a test chamber. The difference between the levels of sound absorption at a given frequency is the level of sound absorption of our acoustical panels.
[caption id="attachment_1436" align="aligncenter" width="625"] Measuring the NRC of common sound-dampening materials, one can see the advantage of Versare acoustical panels[/caption]
We measure both the Sound Absorption Coefficient and the Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC). The Sound Absorption Coefficient is the Sound Absorption per unit area of the test specimen, while the Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) is a four-frequency average of the Sound Absorption Coefficient. Measurements are made in the ISO-Preferred one-third octave bands from 100 Hz to 5000 Hz. Our tests are conducted in strict accordance with ASTM C 423 – 90a.
[caption id="attachment_1445" align="aligncenter" width="625"] Sound Stones are wall-mounted acoustical panels rated 0.65NRC[/caption]
Our acoustical fabric has an NRC of 0.65, making it a superior product. You can find our acoustical fabric on premium partitions, like our Room Divider 360, and our Sound Stones (Wall) Acoustical Panels. Use them for your office, home, daycare, church—wherever sound dampening is needed, Versare is there. Whatever you choose, rest assured that you will be purchasing the finest quality for the best value on the market.
Further reading: Sound-Dampening Partitions Demystified
Wikipedia: Noise Reduction Coefficient