6 Effective Safety Hacks to Protect Yourself from Cubicle Risks and Hazards
Posted by Kate Murphy on Jan 7th 2025
Even the humble office — with its comfy and ergonomic chairs, sleek filing cabinets, and caffeine-rich coffee makers — has its fair share of sneaky safety risks. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), private industry employers reported nearly 2.6 million nonfatal injuries and illnesses in 2023. And some of these could have been easily avoided with a few simple tweaks and precautions. Take note of these six cubicle safety hacks to keep your office space injury-free — no hard hats required!
1. Clear the Clutter
Keeping your workspace neat and organized is a simple yet often overlooked way to boost productivity and prevent embarrassing mishaps. A clutter-free cubicle not only sharpens your focus but also eliminates tripping hazards — no one wants to faceplant on their way to the bathroom after tripping over a rogue binder.
Start by storing office supplies in their designated spots and putting away files, notebooks, and papers once you’re done with them. Keep items off the floor, and always close drawers when not in use to avoid snags or accidental tumbles. If you’re stacking materials, make sure they’re secure and not too high or out of reach.
2. Contain Wires
Wires are one of the usual suspects when it comes to trips and falls. To keep your workspace safe and tidy, consider investing in a cable management system to neatly conceal and organize your cords. Versare’s easy-to-assemble Electric Hush Panel™ system includes a built-in, open-access electric channel to accommodate cable and wiring. Openings are compatible with a standard, low-profile electrical box and wall plate.
Otherwise, simply tuck wires and cords under your desk and secure them with zip ties or twist ties. Bonus tip: Use color-coded ties to keep your wires organized and quickly identify which cord belongs to which device.
3. Regularly Check Wires, Cords, and Outlets
Faulty wiring and electrical issues are a common cause of fires and rank among the top causes of workplace fires. From overloaded circuits to damaged cords and outdated wiring can spark fires. It’s essential to follow general electrical safety practices and promptly report any damaged wires, power cords, or outlets to your supervisor.
And please avoid space heaters altogether. While they are a cozy solution, especially in the thick of winter, they come with significant risks — fires or burns from direct contact or proximity to flammable items, explosions caused by fuel-based heaters, and carbon monoxide poisoning due to poor ventilation.
4. Be Mindful of Weight Limits
While your cubicle and work surface are built to be sturdy, overloading them can weaken the frame over time. The Adjustable Electric Standing Desk is designed to hold your office supplies, files, monitor arms, keyboard, and other essentials, but keep in mind that its maximum weight capacity is 220 pounds. Weight limits can vary by desk, so please avoid using your workstation as a ladder or storing heavier office supplies, like filing cabinets, on top.
Also, be mindful of how much weight you put on your cubicle panels. Wall organizers and decorations should be lightweight. And avoid leaning on the panels — they’re not designed to hold your weight.
5. Assemble Your Cubicle Properly
Cubicle safety starts with making sure your office cubicle is properly assembled and installed. Take the time to carefully follow the step-by-step instructions. It’s a good idea to have a helping hand or two, as this will make the process smoother and safer. Double-check each piece to ensure it’s securely in place, paying close attention to connections and fasteners. Once your cubicle is assembled, inspect the entire structure to confirm everything is stable and safe before you start using it.
If you have questions or concerns along the way, feel free to reach out to our customer sales team. We’re available from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 855-452-0350 or customerservice@versare.com.
6. Keep Your Cubicle Entry Clear
Keep your cubicle entryway clear to avoid trips and falls, and ensure a quick, safe exit in case of an emergency. Your workspace should meet all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards for cubicles and provide enough space to accommodate employees’ ability to exit easily.
Take Control of Your Office Setup Today
By taking a few simple steps to improve cubicle safety, you can create a more productive, comfortable, and — most importantly — safe workspace for yourself and your colleagues. With a little attention to detail and proactive planning, you can keep your office a hazard-free zone and enjoy peace of mind while you work. Do you have questions about our Hush Panel™ Cubicle offerings? Reach out to our sales experts and we’ll address your inquiries and send a free quote, too!